Dr Benlee Yap

Dr Benlee Yap

BDS, BScDent(Hons), DClinDent(Ortho), MRACDS, MOrthRCS(Edin), AOB Certified

Benlee completed his dental training in 2011 with a concurrent first class honours degree. He worked as a general dentist for 2 years before going on to specialist orthodontic training. He completed his orthodontic studies in 2016 and went into full time specialist orthodontic practice in 2017.

Benlee has recently started to visit Jamestown Dental to provide orthodontic services.

You can find out more about him and different orthodontic treatment options at the smilemore orthodontic website, https://www.smilemoreorthodontics.com.au

To make an appointment with Benlee please call his Adelaide rooms 8224 0780

10 Cumnock St

Jamestown SA

08 8664 1204

Call us today!

Opening Hours

Mon - Thurs: 9:00 - 17:00