Spring has Sprung

Spring has sprung! As we open the doors and windows and begin to think about spring cleaning our homes, why not come in and spring clean your teeth? Now is the perfect time to start ticking off jobs on your ever-increasing to-do list.

At Jamestown Dental, we recommend you come in for regular professional dental cleaning around once every 6 months to help keep your gums healthy and prevent gum disease. Gum disease is an inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tooth and is caused by bacterial infection. This inflammation can cause pockets or gaps to develop between the tooth and its surrounding gum and the loss of ligaments and bone that support the tooth. In severe forms the tooth can become loose and even fall out.

Gum disease is can affect any one but is more prevalent in people with a family history of gum disease, tobacco smokers, diabetic and people with heart disease. The prevalence of moderate to severe gum disease increases with age, affecting 35% of 45-64 year olds and 53% of those over 65.

Spring is a great opportunity to make the most of the weather warming up and the days getting longer. As we start to put the frosty mornings and grey drizzly days behind us and start to feel more motivated again to head outside, shake off the winter blues, add a visit to Jamestown Dental to your list, you may be surprised that things aren’t as bad as you thought, and kick off the Spring season with a start to better oral health! Book in today!


10 Cumnock St

Jamestown SA

08 8664 1204

Call us today!

Opening Hours

Mon - Thurs: 9:00 - 17:00